Only 8 more weeks until our little Marcus Alphonso makes his appearance into this world! Oh my goodness, I could pee my pants out of excitement (and his little head that has been pushing on my bladder). I am finally starting to feel a little nervous, but mostly because Brian got a new job. We're not sure how great they will be with him leaving for the birth, and all of his paternity leave will be unpaid. Other than that things are great. The house is still not as ready as we hoped it would be, but we're working on it. We bought the crib last week, and there are two baby showers in the works.
We had a great Dr's appointment today. The baby's heartbeat is nice and strong, my blood pressure is good, and I have gained less than 17 pounds. We have appointments every two weeks now! We had our last Lamaze class on Tuesday, and I will be very glad to be able to get to bed early again on Tuesdays. I got a fabulous massage on Monday at Salt Lake Prenatal Massage I highly recommend it to all you sore pregnant women out there. They have cool contoured pillows that allow you to lie on your stomach. I feel rested and rejuvenated now! That's all for now, but here is a picture of my 32 week belly. I hope it makes my mother and mother-in-law happy! (sorry the coloring is funny, we were having camera issues)
Spring It List: The Denim Shirt
2 days ago
That is so awesome!! I am so excited that things are going so wonderfully!! I love his name! OOOOOH! I can't wait to meet him!! PLEASE tell me you will be in Nevada for Christmas!!! Love you Meggy!! Love your little Marcus too! And gee wiz! I wish I could have gained only 17 lbs! You go girl! That is hard to do!! (Sorry for all the exclamation marks, I am just so happy!)