Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, April 29, 2011

Marcus Alphonso Askew

He's here, he's here, and he is PERFECT! Marcus was born Tuesday April 26 at 2:38pm. 7 pounds 9 ounces, 19 1/2 inches.  My water broke at 4:40 Tuesday morning, and he was here ten hours later. Labor was relatively easy (as much so as labor can be), and I am VERY glad that I went naturally. We had a little hiccup around noon where my contractions were constant although I was only dilated to a five and Marcus went into distress. They almost took me for an emergency c-section,  but they gave me a shot of something to slow my contractions and everything worked out fine. We are all feeling great and Brian and I are very grateful for our new addition. And yes, he will get darker.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

39 weeks

I feel like a big waddling whale. Good thing I think whales are cute! I really am still feeling good, but Marcus is sitting right on my sciatic nerve and it makes walking difficult sometimes. I am amazed at how tired I am too. I feel like it's right back to the first trimester. Thankfully, I am home now and can take a nap everyday. I guess my body is just preparing for no sleep! We are ready to bring him home any day, but there are things that we are still working on around the house. But, I'm convinced there are always things to work on around the house. My doctor's appointments have still gone great. My blood pressure is good, he has a strong heartbeat, and I have gained about 25 pounds. That is more weight than we were hoping for, but still much better than it could be. Hopefully between having him and then breastfeeding, it will come off fairly quickly. As of my appointment Tuesday I am almost dilated to a two, and I am 60% efaced. He is definitely head down and has dropped, I still don't think I have really had contractions though.

We had a get together with friends and family two weekends ago. It was what we saw as a last chance to go out and see people for a while. It was a lot of fun and I am so glad that we did it. Yesterday, my mother-in-law and her friends threw me a Skype baby shower from Arkansas. they all got to see my belly, and I watched as they opened all the wonderful gifts. We were spoiled yet again! We are so grateful for all of our wonderful friends and family and how much love and generosity you have shown us. We can't wait for Marcus to meet you all!

Hopefully in the next week or so we will be posting about the arrival of our baby boy!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Natural Birth

Possibly even more than people wondering if we have named our son, people wonder if I will get an epidural. The plan is NO! Everyone immediately responds that I am crazy, and I have no idea what birth is like, and I will change my mind. I think they underestimate me. No, I have not given birth before and I don't really know what it is like. But I have listened to stories from friends and family, and I have done research on my own, and I truly believe that an epidural is not for me or my baby. Here are some of my reasons;
1. Needle in the spine, hell no!
2. Catheter, no thanks. Things should be exiting, not entering.
3. Possible death, paralysis, or permanent nerve damage
4. Better recovery time for mom and baby without epidural
5. Less drowsy baby who is more likely to breastfeed better
6. Epidurals slow labor. Often moms then have to get a pitocin drip as well.
7. Being unable to walk around. I am too much of a control freak for that
8. Possibility of causing mother and/or baby distress, and makes moms more likely to need a c-section
9. Side effects from epidurals can effect babies for up to six weeks after delivery. You leave my baby alone!
10. Women have been doing it naturally for thousands of years. If they can do, I can too!

I am asking that as my friends and family that you support and encourage me. Not try to negate my decision and discourage me. I am stubborn, and I will do my best to have a natural birth for me, and my son.