Holy cow I AM EXCITED!!! I also am an admitted slacker. Yes, it has been 10 weeks since my last post, but between holidays, work, pregnancy, and life, I am proud of myself for getting here today!
So, third trimester has been beautiful so far, minus the infections from messed up horomones. But, I heal, and I would take those everyday for this sweet baby kicking away inside of me! He's an active little bug, and we can't wait to meet him. We are currently halfway through Lamaze classes, and I really hope that I will make it through delivery with no pain meds. No, I am not crazy, I AM stubborn as hell and I know that both the baby and I will heal better with no pain meds. That's the plan and I'm sticking to it!
We have been slowly but surely preparing our home to bring home our son. We are not ready for him, but we're working on it. By next week the nursery should be ready, and really that's the most important part. That's all for now, but here is a picture of my 30 week belly, for your enjoyment.
Spring It List: The Denim Shirt
2 days ago