Can you believe we get to find out if our little one is a boy or a girl next week? I am so excited! As we get closer to the day, the time goes slower. I think I'll sleep the weekend away to make it go faster :) My mother and my mother-in-law insisted on a belly picture, so here it is. Right now it's mostly condensed fat and organs with a little baby, but it's more baby all the time!
On a totally different note, we have had a TON of snow here lately! I never thought I would ever be a person who would buy our dog clothes, but it has been too cold not to. But look how cute he is in his sweater.
Alright friends, I will post again next week when we know what we are having!
Spring It List: The Denim Shirt
2 days ago
We are all getting excited to find out the baby's sex, too! Keep us informed!