On Wednesday August 25 I took my millionth pregnancy test (ok, maybe only thirtieth). But this one was different, it was POSITIVE! I sat in the bathroom and bawled for a couple minutes, while I triple read the instructions to make sure I was really seeing what I was seeing. Then I said a little prayer of thanks. Not just to God for giving us what we had so fervently wished for, but also to my Daddy for finally letting one of his grand-babies go. I then went into our bedroom and said to my sleeping husband, "Brian Askew, what would you say if I told you I was pregnant?" He proceeded to jump out of bed and hug me tight, and I, of course, started to bawl again. It was 22 months since we had started trying, and nothing but frustration had come our way, but now we finally had a positive test!
My doctor had me come in for an ultrasound that Friday, where they confirmed a gestational sack. Then the following Monday and Wednesday they checked my HCG levels to make sure they were doubling appropriately. On Thursday September 2 it was confirmed that we were pregnant, and that things were off to a great start.We decided that would keep it a secret, just to be safe. But really, I don't know how anyone has missed our giddiness!
I had my first prenatal appointment on Tuesday October 5, and it was amazing! We got to see our sweet little alien (really, the head was as big as the rest of the body then). We also got to see the heartbeat and little legs kicking. Holy cow! That is so amazing. I could have 20 children and still think that is cool! (no, we will not have that many kids) The doctor gave me a due date of April 19, but then told me I was 11 weeks, which really means April 26. Either way, we will have a new sweet little Askew in April! We decided to tell our parents and siblings about the pregnancy since everything was looking good. They all were excited, I think everyone yelled, and my mother bawled. I think it was harder for them to keep the secret for two weeks than it was for us to keep it for two months! But now it is time to tell the world!
I have been very lucky, and I have not been too sick. I had to eat every hour and a half, but I have been able to carry on with my normal life. The worst part has been that I am tired all the time. I pick Brian up from work at 8:00, and take myself to bed by 8:30 or 9:00. I miss spending my evenings with him, but I wouldn't trade this pregnancy for anything!
I think that covers everything, but feel free to ask if you have any questions!
Spring It List: The Denim Shirt
2 days ago